
On the other hand, do you think there may be some medical benefits in consuming the flesh of a person who has recently completed a steroid cycle? Mind you, I’m not hating. Those guys worked hard. But they’re totally chemically enhanced. You don’t turn from late 30s-early to mid 40s schlub to having 15 lb. of extra

The thing that comes to mind about this, is the same that comes to mind about other celebrities who have been accused of similar (or worse) offenses: if he wanted sex, he didn’t need to behave that way. He may not have been able to have sex with x person, but he probably could have had consensual sex with y or z person

he denied the accusations and said that he was simply being “gallant,”

Cannabis produces THC-A naturally and that compound is more or less non psychoactive until a heat source is applied turning the THC-A into psychoactive THC via a process known as decarboxylation. This story sounds 100% fake to me.

Ok boomer

Thank you for this, I have spent all morning looking for a website to tell me who won last night’s game.

Holy shit I love all of you.

If anyone wants to hit up ole’ Jimmy Spanny himself and ask him what the fuck is going on, here’s his number! 917-881-5965

*chef's kiss*

Seconding the relationship with the site and also that promise. You just know something’s gotta give, the corporate morons up top have made it clear they won’t stand for the shit the writers pulled yesterday - which by the way is absolutely, 100% in keeping with what we’ve come to expect from this team, and what we

I’m 100 percent in support of the entire Giz family resigning and creating their own independent publication free from Great Hill’s bullshit, and would do everything I could to help out. And a paywall would totally be worth it if it keeps everyone safe from vulture capitalists.

Hey Drew. You’re the best, and good luck with the brain and everything.

A question for the Funbag: why should I keep reading anything on this website after Jim Spanfeller and Paul Maidment went to the lengths of firing Barry, like cowards, for the dumbest of reasons?

I want to support the writers here—this is both the best website that exists, and has ever existed, and the best sports

Where is the one about a private equity firm that takes over suite of websites and fucks it all to hell?

Would like to take this opportunity to applaud the decision to link out to as many great non-sports stories as possible today:

Man, I love people who self-own through being hilariously inept. You know, pumpkin thieves, thin-skinned vulture capitalist owners of blog sites, those kinds of folks.

Hey, let’s talk about how G/O media are such gutless scum that they took down all of the posts across the kinjaverse about how awful the autoplaying videos are and how to contact the ownership about it.

Much like Lauren isn’t saying that the Broncos are trying to kill Joe Flacco, I’m not suggesting that emailing with complaints about the current media strategy will send it to the chucklefucks responsible for making these decisions.

This leads us to one Joe Flacco an elite backup quarterback?

If you’re going to be away, don’t arrive at your desk that morning with anything you can’t leave without - i.e. be prepared to walk away from your desk & out of the office, but to anyone looking, it appears like a bathroom visit/coffee run. 
Shirtsleeves, office shoes, maybe carrying a coffee cup.
No jacket, no bag, no