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I’m pretending that’s the comic’s point because the idea of a literal mountain slope with literal holes literally your size that literally calls to you and makes you literally slide on in and come out a literal tortured ghoul is unspeakably terrifying.

I think it’s just human nature to want to find greater meaning in your existence, and to look at something that speaks to you and decide it was “made” for you. To some degree? Yeah, it could have been made to attract you, or someone like you. Or it could be an event that’s common or abstract-able enough to fit the

It’s not so scary when you realize that it’s a allegory for how young people are often feel “called” to causes or movements that warp and distort them with subtle, insidious pressures over an extended length of time, only to have them come out the other side monsters. What clued me in was when the protagonist talked