
The dad in the lead photo looks like Mike Rowe with Jon Stewart's hair. It saddens me.

Is there a chance you'll be expanding this to include more rappers, past and present? It would be interesting to see how artists like Outkast would be rated individually and as a duo.

Sadly, if anyone from the Browns organization was watching last night, they're probably on the phone right now trying to offer him a coaching gig.

I agree that the seat designs are terrible. After lots of trial and error, what I've discovered is that slouching is the only way I can be remotely comfortable without reclining my seat. I slouch down and stretch my legs under the seat in front of me where bags typically go so I get some leg room while still getting

Wait, there were people who didn't? I know it got weird towards the end, but I thought it was one of the consensus "good" ones. I also know that I'm very much in the minority in liking DS9...

Honestly, if it's something you want to do, go for it. You seem like you're doing it for the right reasons, which is becoming rarer and rarer these days. People will see you in uniform and immediately conjure up either positive or negative connotations, but if you do what's morally right and show them that all cops

In keeping with the Chinese pancake, what about Egg Foo Yong?

Part of me wants to believe it's a lavender marriage so that Jimbob has a companion on his missions...

He's so sharp he finds a way to lose his train of thought around the circular logic he calls theology.

It's weird. Not even JESUS' MOM can escape the virgin-whore dichotomy. but same difference

Not to mention that I'm pretty sure I bought that watch for like $20...

Wait, am I actually right?! I am at once happy and sad; happy because I'm right, sad because Fayettenam strikes again...

This was in Fayetteville, wasn't it?

"Oh, did you need a place to sit? This one's taken."

I stand corrected then, thank you for that insight. I'm not trying to defend the guy's actions or try to deny that there is a major sexual assault problem within the military. It's very disturbing that the groups mentioned in the study exhibit that type of behavior. I'm just saying that it's frustrating for those

I'm sorry for your experience with your ex. It's just like you said, your story isn't unique and it has consequences not only for you or for your ex, but for every other service member and their families. I think that the 10 years of conflict has done a lot to erode not only the men and women who fought in it but

The study only shows that rapists sign up to join the military in greater numbers than the general population. How many of those recruits made it out of their initial training? How many served honorably and stayed out of trouble? How many committed sexual assault once in the service and were kicked out? The larger

It's entirely possible he either admitted to the charge and told some story to get it to slide or that he just didn't mention it and fell through the cracks until it came up later on. 7 months isn't a long time when you consider all the training that happens before a recruit arrives at his first unit. We don't

She might be talking about Resilience/MRT training, which has you take a test that determines your "character strengths". It's largely hit or miss; for every person that buys into it, there are plenty who see it as the army getting soft.