
From what I've read here on Giz, it seems Apple had a problem with the white plastic turning yellow over time.

How about the Logitech Z-2300? I got the set for $88 a while back. How does it compare to other systems?

wow i never thought jailbreakme would come back after the days of 1.1.1 and 1.1.2

@Mark 2000: i think there's a setting within iTunes that sets that. I'm not sure where, but i know i've seen it somewhere.

@Maave: about a year ago my friend fell asleep with Gate of hades and a pulse monitor on, and halfway through he woke up screaming, threw the headphones down, had goosebumps as well as a pulse spike of 212 bpm. His reaction even scared us in the room.

@BobotheTeddy: i could see that ending badly. Trying to chase a fly around your house with a laser, burning everything. hahaha

@ImmaLion: I'm assuming the book is spelled 'Alasca' because of different local spellings, and not a major typo?

@pierrebuz: Ok, that makes sense. Thanks.

@Skid-Vicious: Just as one living in the space station sees time slower also. So i guess the answer is yes to your original question.

my question is, how can they measure this? are they using the gravitational constant? because if i remember from physics correctly, that number is completely made up. if in fact gravity is different in different parts of the world, shouldn't this constant be adjusted accordingly?

its funny how 'several days' is made to sound so long. im still impressed that it takes so little time for the firmwares to be jailbroken in such little time.

@Mr.Gawn: I know what you mean, there was a game earlier this year (i forget which one specifically) where the ref called a bad call that changed the game, and his granddaughter got 'hit by a car' with the next three days. I believe it might have been Ireland?

@Nonchalont: If i recall, in the video above, the guy states that apple hasnt pursued anyone jailbreaking, or making software to jailbreak their merchandise. So your point is void.

@stifflittlefinger: I thought the same thing, however i found out that we're both wrong. .44 MB/s IS 440 KB/s, but the SpeedTest is measuring in Mbps, which converts to 55 KB/s. A quick google search led me to this conversion site:

For some reason i feel that machine is far bigger than it needs to be to kick a ball that hard.

i didnt mind it till i left for college, and got three phone calls from my grandpa on a saturday night nagging about his universal remote "messing up"... i was nice and answered the third time, only to hear him fix the problem himself while on the phone with me.