
Yup, they signed a contract. Contracts are subject to the law. The law says songwriters can reclaim the right to publish after 1/1/13. For contracts signed after 1978, all parties had notice of this. For contracts signed before 1978, I see your point that it is changing the rules after the contract was signed.

Is Roach cringing in panic over loss of control of its limbs, or is Roach all "Hey, I can dance!"

Or, you disregard the average when there are only a small number of reviews, or, you read the ratings and pick up on the fact it did not function as advertised.

Well, so far I've avoided downloading the "updated" Kindle app on my iPhone that would eliminate the Kindle Store button, but I suppose some day I will have to. Meanwhile I have a Safari bookmark for the kindle store site that button takes me to, so losing the button won't be a big deal. I generally browse for new

If Facebook does go down, will any adults notice?

I also prefer Boening to Airbus, but I know that a years ago, US airlines observed that pilots spent so much time on autopilot that their flying skills became rusty, and ordered more simulator training and less autopilot time. I wonder if the airlines have since forgotten this issue.

I wonder about that, too. I've only flown single-engine, not big jets. But a big part of my training (IFR, Commercial, Flight Instructor), which included my instructor randomly covering up instruments so they were not available to me, was recognizing when you are in a stall, spin or a spiral dive when there's nothing

Alright, this article should have stopped on the main page where it says ". . . most of us just aren't... More >>" "More" should be changed to "no more" and the link removed.

Nah, we got chupacabra here in Texas. Oh, wait . . . the last one turned out to be a hairless racoon. Nevermind.

I agree. It sounds fake to me, especially the quote from the parents. It purports to have both parents mouthing the same words in unison ("the couple reportedly said this" or, as reported on ABC, "the parents answered").

What in this study constituted a fake review? A shill loving their company's product or hating on a competitor's? Someone who has not actually stayed at the hotel? Both?

I'm missing what's different. For the past year that I've had my 3GS, I tap the Kindle Store button in my Kindle app (Kindle for iPhone v. 2.7), and it opens Safari to the Kindle store mobile page, where I can buy a book with One-click and have it delivered to my phone. Tried it again just now, and the App Store does

It seems the wheel needs to be a little taller. However, I haven't seen a "before" video, so maybe the short wheel is a big improvement over having to drag his shell, or perhaps helps the tortoise crouch down when he needs to.

Ladies, you have to drop your trousers for this to work. Women will need a little training before the girlnal catches on.

Not the prettiest aircraft ever built, but I understand stealthy aircraft need to look that way.

I've had one for over a year. Still works. It's ok except for the pry bar thing. It's louder than in the video, about as loud as someone hammering nails at an inhumanley fast rate, which shouldn't be any surprise since that's what it does.

Well, we all want to be in the movies. Seagull saw its chance and took it.

Human female breasts are larger than they need to be to feed babies. When it is baby feeding time, the breasts get even larger to create and store the milk for baby. Before and after baby feeding time, the breasts remain prominent because they are a sexual attractant. Although the sustenance-providing part may be part

Sounds like a bunch of 19-year olds with an overblown sense of their own importance. Watch them act all surprised and cry when they find they are actuallty going to grown-up jail.

At about 0:17 into the video, the horizon out the window slants the wrong way for an ascent. It actually depicts a steep descent when the aircraft is supposed to be climbing. Ohgodohgodwe'reallgonnadie!