Just in case you haven't heard this elsewhere, Volgarr actually has a semi-secret way of selecting stages. If you walk to the left from the first screen of each world, it will warp you to the next world as long as you have reached it previously.
Just in case you haven't heard this elsewhere, Volgarr actually has a semi-secret way of selecting stages. If you walk to the left from the first screen of each world, it will warp you to the next world as long as you have reached it previously.
How is it possible that this blog is not called Progtology?
Why does god let Blue Shells happen to good plumbers?
Most of the responses from people I'm friends with on Facebook had so far been pretty reasoned and measured, expressing sadness and sorrow in an earnest way.
Most of the responses from people I'm friends with on Facebook had so far been pretty reasoned and measured, expressing sadness and sorrow in an earnest way.
Is it too late for my hastily formed solo act "Murder Tools and Pruning Shears" to get added to this year's band name article?
Is it too late for my hastily formed solo act "Murder Tools and Pruning Shears" to get added to this year's band name article?
Clap, clap!
Clap, clap!
She's like a real life Slurms Mckenzie.
She's like a real life Slurms Mckenzie.
I don't like this thing! And here's what I'm doing with it!
I don't like this thing! And here's what I'm doing with it!
Not my favorite, but I like it a lot and don't get the hate for it.
Not my favorite, but I like it a lot and don't get the hate for it.
I have heard good things about judging books vis-a-vis their cover
I have heard good things about judging books vis-a-vis their cover
Throw in some hay diving and you got yourself a winner.
Throw in some hay diving and you got yourself a winner.
That asshole working the drive-through at McDonalds who forgot my fries was a total Templar.