
I completely agree with your observations on how Leslie is setting up Dan as the fall guy. That was how I read the situation too but figured that maybe I'm overly cynical as other commenters seem to think that Leslie's motivation to do right by Taylor has a significant impact on her actions (I don't).

A very perceptive comment . . .

And how about Mt. Kisco instead of Cos Cob?

The sex scene was in line with Kalinda's character as well. Isn't she always on top in every sex scene (with Cary and others)? It wasn't just about the "slow down" objection, it was about Cary changing positions to be on top of Kalinda. Though it's easy (and maybe too simplistic) to observe that being on top =

Thank you (from Petersburg City resident).

Yeah, this was Martha's lucky night. Seeing those secret documents gave Clark a huge boner. Lucky for her he had enough time to hang around for bedtime.

Your picks are close to mine — top three in same order, then Victoria at 4 and Mason/Tyler/Victoria's detective (actor's name is Max) at 5.
Jack has not been as unbearable this season but is nowhere near the top. Least favorite characters are Mrs. David Clarke (Emily's mom) — she was the worst; Sarah; brothers who

I'm enjoying the show and the recaps so please keep them coming! Genevieve, I think you're doing a fine job of picking out and describing the major themes and conflicts, and it adds to my enjoyment of the show to read your recaps. Turn takes more of an effort to get into than much of the other prestige TV

I guessed "ear cloning" as soon as we met the wife with two ears intact at the AA meeting — but didn't know there was actually such a thing until it was revealed later on.

WTF? Sorry Erik, starting with the grade and then reading through the review, this is just crazy talk. Giving this episode a C just seems like a ploy to produce more comments (1. yeah, I fell for it; and 2. it's not like discussion of TD doesn't generate plenty of discussion WITHOUT a dungheap of provocative

I agree with you that "humanizing" the stash house people, given available time to tell the story, would probably have seemed contrived. Nonetheless, I'm partial to storytelling that delves into more than just the two main characters. That said, this show is beyond great and I eagerly await it each week (and am

Well, fu** me (TM Jimmy and Bunk) then, that lack of humanizing the gangs on last week's ep also annoyed me — guess I've been too brainwashed by The Wire. I'll have to look up the article you mention . . . .

Have to disagree about The Wire — I love Season 1 and have watched it many, many times. Watching the whole show in real time, we tried from year one to interest others in watching this fantastic show but it didn't seem to get much traction, outside of a few die-hards, until seasons 3 or 4.

I agree.  Nolan was my favorite character from the get-go but Conrad has steadily crept up there.  Stowe and Van Camp are great but I'm really watching for the two men.  And I miss Tyler; he grew on me also.

I was having the same problem — knowing him while wracking my brain trying to figure out what I'd seen him on before.  Someone's earlier Tom Walker comment helped me out.  My husband and I both think he resembles a young Samuel L. Jackson.

Roya was the first person he named when asked about other connections to Abdul Nazir.  (At least that's what I heard.)

Roya was the first person he named when asked about other connections to Abdul Nazir.  (At least that's what I heard.)

I did too.  That made it seem more disturbing.

I hope you're right about Conrad.  I'd definitely like to see him featured even more prominently; he's my favorite character on the show after Nolan.

drdarke, I've read one of Sparks' books I think and seen one movie adaptation.  While watching the trailer I guessed, before it was noted at the end, that it was a Nicholas Sparks story.  Star-crossed lovers, I guess, is the common theme with the stalking thrown in.  Your description is great!