
Michael doesn't whisper sing. He can really sing.

Me too. And listen to all 3 at least once a week.

Great posts!! Absolutely

I remember the premiere of TWYMMF in August 87-we must have been watching 2 different videos.

OK. Since everybody else has said you're crazy, I won't add to the pack.
To each their own.

I'm sure only people who listen to Howard Stern or know who he is are aware of that. I have never heard that story or even heard the moniker referred to him.

That's correct. About 2 yrs. after his death, they finally started dropping that "self proclaimed" off the title.
However, now, pop no longer means what it used to-popular with all races, ages or genders. It has come to mean what we used to call "bubblegum pop" back in the day-so we need a new title for Michael

Smart marketing. However, a lot of the big city newspapers were calling him that already during the Victory Tour-I have pictures of the headlines to prove it.

Have you heard the Esparanza Spaulding cover of it? Great video too.
Michael's will always be the best all time ever version, but she's a close second.

You are not alone!

Your wife has excellent taste also-All Michael All the Time is my Motto!!!


Although, I believe Michael to be totally innocent of any and all of these charges, you are talking about Jordan Chandler and that is definitely an internet hoax.
He never said any such thing.

What children's voices? In PYT? That's La Toya and Janet-two young women at the time.

I would say the music and production is timeless-the ONLY thing dated with PYT are a few lyrics-

Your wife has excellent taste.