
In ancient Greek myth, Tantalus serves his own butchered son, Pelops, to the gods...(the gods except for Demeter, don't eat it and mange to revive Pelops) , Tantalus gets to be 'immortalized' in Hades, and as element #73; Pelops gets to have the Peloponnesus named after him.

Not related to the Grimm vs. Andronicus debate, but I was told this week that I'm a bad mom because I put my kids in daycare...because Moms should be home and not working and other people are raising your kids, etc, etc. this was before he asked me for help because he can't write SQL for shit. So, I can help him

Is that what they mean when (it's usually older guys) say that they can be themselves when the women leave? "It's just us guys now, so we can finally have fun." — and numerous variations on that.

It's Bible trivia time! According to many scholars, the word that's normally translated "rib" was originally meant as a support structure, such as a beam, splint, or mast. The meaning is unclear, but likely is a euphemism for the baculum (penis bone). Most animals, even most primates, have one, but not humans.

State senators are a whole other level of wackjobs. I bet attending a state senate meeting is a lot like reading the comments under a Youtube video, but in real life.

Right, and I said the same thing when Selma Hayek didn't want to be called a feminist. I don't care what you call yourself once you're doing the work. Too many women think that all that's required of them is to adopt a label without any praxis. I'd MUCH rather praxis and no label.

I thought he was going to say "because we have to put up with men."

And, if we're going biblical here... Men are made of dirt.

"Then he took the rib out of man to make woman. And you know, a rib is a lesser cut of meat."

Not to mention it's a pretty touchy subject with plenty of amazing, powerful WoC. Feminism is awesome and is moving towards increased recognition of intersections but it's still a tough label for a lot of marginalized women. She's damned if she does or doesn't, and the label can be important but isn't everything.

That's all I care about. She understands the word, and her reason for not labeling herself isn't "I love men, I don't hate men." It is perpetuation of misconceptions about feminism that pisses me off.

I'm no fan of her (I'm old, most of the music I like to listen to is from the 90s... I've become my parents), but the way she talks about feminism, it appears she's put some thought into it and what it means in her life, and I have to give her props for that.

I like to describe shade, when done well, as a single drop of poison in a jar of honey. It is the insult you THINK you've been given but can never be quite sure of.

The GAY knows how to push through your ports.

I had a guy tell me that he ranked in the top 2% of all the people who took a certain certification exam. When I told him that they are not ranked like that, it is only pass/fail, he continued to tell me he was in the top 2%. He also says that he has been around the world, and is constantly telling us about his made

Mom: "Why do you smell like smoke?"

I addressed that in this sentence: