
Oh my God. I can see her wrists. They are so creamy and delicate. And she’s touching herself! A lady never touches herself in public. And is that... YES. It’s a dab of rouge! What a painted harlot. Plus she was posing for a painter, who certainly defiled her the moment they were left alone.

I’m going to just repost what I said yesterday over on Gawker’s article. I’ve highlighted the part that any anti-vaxxer reading this should pay close attention to.

I hate this man. I hate that he says nothing and people keep talking to him regardless. I hate that people will think this is not inappropriate behavior. I hate that this woman’s looks will now determine whether or not she deserves it. I hate that anyone is asking him this morning to chime in on events, but no one has

And I imagine an ancient roman being “yeah, so? How else would you get bread?”

It was a gift from the gods!

Kid Electron’s answer was, “Have Siri do it.” Granted, this is Kid Electron’s answer to most iPhone-related issues, which I discovered when I found her shouting “SIRI! PLAY HAMILTON!” over and over at 3 a.m. a few weeks ago.

It takes a special kind of idiocy to design that stupid shoe and then dub it a slave sandal then post it online, sell it and then another idiot who thinks its worth that much to buy it. A whole legion of idiots have gone into making that shoe and it’s name exist. I can’t.

So they’re all cosplaying as Seven of Nine?

Damnit, they always believe me when I go this route though! I once actually bowed my way out of a room with over the top arm motions while telling my boss that he was all knowing. He told others that I needed to stick up for myself if I wanted respect...

Though not a Jew (or religious at all), I think I have some insight from working at a synagogue for 5 years and also having a 1/2 Jewish fiancée and numerous Jewish friends. I think your question strikes at a philosophical difference between Judaism and Christianity. While Christianity asks for belief and goodness of

I don’t think white people should ever stop being shocked and appalled by racism. “Oh well yea this is normal” is not an ok response if we ever hope to get better.

And that’s why you always ask permission.

Far be it from me to nitpick (I’m lying), but Jezebel got rid of millihelen, kitchenette, and a bunch of great writers so we can read a bunch more stupid celeb minutiae?

I personally, especially as I get older, find the St. John chapters of Jane Eyre fascinating, and St. John himself the personification of “unaware that he’s unaware” privilege, a striking contrast to Big Daddy Rochester; his money, his demands, his prickly personality, his horror show of a marriage and how he dealt

this and all the responses have me doing this at my desk right now

A sadistic reality TV show idea: lock this douche, Ted Cruz, and Donald Trump in a studio apartment. Provide lots of alcohol, not quite enough food, and no hair products.

I don’t think expecting men to treat women differently because they’re women ever works out well for women, even when the actions themselves are beneficial. It places women in a distinct “other” category. I’d much rather that “real men” treat me like they treat everyone else. Which is not to say that they shouldn’t be

I can’t blame my particular mental health issues on anything but genetics, because they’re genetic, but on the other hand, none of my complete picture of mental unwellness was ever helped by growing up knowing that my parents could and would hit me. Or the fact that it actually took me a long time to unlearn the