
I hope what’s going through her head is “I fucked up and now we have an asshole for president, I’m sorry America”

Hopefully she doesn’t and you can all stop blaming those things that barely mattered.

Goldeneye is the best Bond movie.

Goldeneye will hold up in 54 years minus some uncomfortable attitudes towards Russians (but they won’t care anyway because they’re all drunk). The rest of the Brosnan movies will fair well as the glorious shlock that they are.

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Youtube pranksters are the fucking devil. Saleh is one of the worst; his shtick is exactly this. One of his videos is “Counting down in Arabic on a plane”. Another, posted below, is him pulling hijabs off Muslim women in public, “to see how people react”. He’s a professional asshole, another entitled YouTube piece of

The guy films his pranks at airports or in airplanes and then we’re supposed to be outraged that he finally got kicked off a plane?

You don’t kick babies off flights because they can’t help it. They are absolutely right to kick belligerent and obnoxious passengers off a flight.

Oh, brother-in-law has a gunsafe. He still leaves loaded weapons around like an idiot. But he was in the marines, so he knows about this stuff, unlike ignorant me.

I would pay cash-money to see Kathy Griffin annoying Andy fucking Cohen forever. I hate that little troll.

Robin Hood was a foxy guy.