
“In a proper single-payer system both children and the elderly would be adequately cared for...” They’d all receive the same terrible healthcare, yes. We see this all over the world in countries that provide ‘free’ healthcare (single-payer). The quantity is terrible (waiting months/years for an appendectomy, for

“If we made healthcare immediately affordable to all -admittedly at great initial cost to the tax base- the eventual costs would go down.” That’s not really true, though, is it? Why would the cost go down? People wouldn’t care for themselves any better than they do now. We have the best healthcare in the world and

Not sure what you mean by that; can you explain?

The risk is spread around the risk pool, I understand that. Move the sickest people into their own insurance pool and provide doctors and hospitals tax credits to provide them with healthcare.

There’s so much wrong with this post it’s difficult to know where to begin.

It’s not the federal government’s job to make sure people have health insurance. It’s up to each person to make their own decisions about how to spend their money and if someone (like younger Americans) decides they’d rather spend their money elsewhere they accept the risk that goes along with that. After all, you

Yes! This is exactly correct. Until they post this on their site and in their Terms & Conditions, nobody should be signing-up for this.

This type of thing is only as good as the list it uses. Honestly, I don’t trust the list this developer is using. Most of these automatically assume any conservative or right-leaning site is ‘questionable’ regardless of content or sources. The same lists often consider Huffington Post a ‘credible site’ when clearly

The Cubs players have been doing this since May so it’s nothing new.

Has anyone read the T&C’s to see what Amazon is going to do with our pictures? Nobody does this kind of thing just to be nice, they want something with our pictures. I know they’re just as bad as Google with our image metadata but is there anything else they’re getting from us?