
Hair dresser: How do you want to look for Face The Nation?

I’m just so disappointed that this article didn’t begin “Avril Lavigne isn’t dead--she’s born again.” It was RIGHT THERE! 

“Hmmm. Misusing ICE is the only way I can get a boner.”

It certainly fucking does.

That’s private sector. Government employees, at least the rank and file, when on official business are required to use the cheapest travel accommodations possible. If he wanted to fly first class, he should have stayed in the private sector.

Every born-rich asshole should be forced to live the life of the working poor for a month.

Ok, stay with me on this one, because it’s gettin’ a little conceptual. [apologizing in advance]

Man, no shit: when I did the launch drive for this car back in 2014, they had all this British stuff everywhere. Union Jack flags, The Who and the Stones playing all over the place. But all the engineers there were German guys! “You like the new Mini, ja? Das ist ein kleiner Rennwagen, ja?”

They will now spend 14 hours locked in a steel tube, thousands of feet above the ground, with a man not exactly known for gracefully handling bad news.

Seriously, Jalops, this is it. The moment of truth. We need to buy this car.

“secret military tribunal.”

I just wanted to say that Doctor Who’s Leela single-handedly brought me out of childhood into pubescense.

They aren’t a charity if you knew how much money to keep for themselves, and how much they actually disperse to people in need.

Robot Monkey Jesus, imo

Funny how the same people who believe that Obama was born in Kenya, attended a madrassa in Indonesia, religiously attended a black supremacist christian church, (impossibly) reconciled the views of communism with those of hard line islamofascism and nazism; believe that he is the simultaneous leader of ISIS, the NWO,

Crying? How about the sucker that buys it second hand and has to fix it? ASSUME AUDI SERVICE POSITION!

But if I’m not pretending it’s a race car where’s the fun?

Synchronized gears alleviate the need for double clutching, true... but failing to rev match downshifts results in additional clutch wear and driveline shock by having to absorb for the mismatched speed differential. Heel& toe is the proper way to rev match a downshift while braking and can be a quite useful technique

That’s why everyone should get some of the awesome mutts at the shelter (they need homes and nobody wants them!) instead of getting a dog bred selectively in a way that maximizes their suffering for personal profit.

“I wish Americans learned more about other countries and their history in school “

Agree. Alot of us do as well. Unfortunately there are a lot of us that have been fooled into believing that all we need to know can be read in two documents: the bible and the constitution.