
Out of state station wagons and minivans. The cops love those, because no way are you gonna fly back to contest the ticket. It might as well be free money to them.

Supercar + DWB = HANDCUFFs (if lucky).

The one that has at least three black people inside. 

Could be worse.

That would only happen is he was any other shade than saltine

It’s Canada and that would NOT have been polite.

Would I be wrong to think that if this had happened in the US, those cops would have lit that guy up the second he tried to drive over their cars? Like, multiple mag-dumps into the front of that Bronco?

You load 16 tons, what do you get

Man, if only there were some way to confirm this theory. 

I think he’s gotta plead ignorance here. If someone had only told him that this sort of thing was frowned upon.

I love it when people in Northern states fly the Confederate flag. At that point they’re not really even pretending it has anything to do with “heritage.” They’re flying the Confederate flag because they couldn’t get away with flying a  swastika.

Tell them this flag is just as much their heritage..

Ironic it hit a burst fire hydrant as that is about the only thing that can keep up with the burning battery pack.

Bonus points for both thin-blue-line and dont-tread bumper stickers. 

I try to avoid painting with a broad brush, especially when some people just have to make do with what they already have or can afford. I’m also usually okay with people liking what they like. For me, it’s less about the vehicle and more about how the owner uses that vehicle to express themselves. That being said

Never a car itself, but what that car is displaying. I live in an area where several people have Confederate flags plastered all over their cars and flying from their flagpoles. I don’t care how cool your car and truck are, I’m not going to think highly of you for flying these flags.

dammit i came here to make this suggestion and even had the same image queued up to use.

Diesel pickup are cool and have their place, but these assholes rolling coal in the faces of pedestrians and cyclists can fuck off.

The pursuit of ever-greater wealth can easily become a disease for some people such that no one and nothing matters except making more money. Moroun is hardly the only, or worst, example.