Ayy...I’ve been through the Hellenikon International Airport, back in the late 80's after staying overnight in Athens and traveling from Turkey back to my base in Italy. Beautiful location and I think if it were in the states, you’d have developers chomping at the bit to build some luxury apartments on those grounds.
Man, I am so falling behind since the great YouTube ad blocker purge that caused me to log off. I loved watching docs and other things like this, but can’t deal with them if I have to be interpreted with ads...not the ones over 30 mins anyways.
Aww, not the Audi Q8. Not that I can come anywhere close to affording one, but I still appreciate how they look, especially their interior setup. That’s a shame though.
I thought that when this article was talking about High Hopes, they were referencing the Pink Floyd song
Ah, that color is giving me flashbacks to my first car, a 1980 320i. Loved that thing. Lol, don’t miss seeing that oxygen sensor light being on though.
Hulk is a great guy… if you ignore all of the bad things from his past.
“Lot a marshmallows, man,”
I’m afraid, after being conditioned after all these years, that I might unconsciously put it into reverse while trying to signal a right turn.
Ah, and for the record, I don’t think a left leaning world would be a perfect utopia of some kind. Just far less chaotic one than a right leaning one.
Had the same thought as a sports talk show was just musing over the same question, suggesting he does it for the drama attention, of which they tend to give. I’d think it was a bit of both...though as the audience, it seems there’s little choice other than to sort of white noise it to tune it out when they do and…
Otero told reporters that he would be pleading guilty to some of the charges, but not all. “I’ve got to stop driving like an idiot,”