You only needed to notice the folks behind O’Brien to think Mullins might’ve got one swing in, for justified retaliation purposes, before things would’ve quickly descended into an all out brawl up in there. Not sure he would’ve had the opportunity to even make a milk carton appearance.
Of course, it’s not a car, but the thought still stands.
Unfortunately for the two thieves, the police aren’t adhering to the “no harm, no foul” rule
Lol, that makes me think of the few bumper stickers and flags I used to see around my way and taking note of how they had to sanitize their Trump/Pence memorabilia, if not just remove them altogether.
Doesn’t matter now since they deleted and cleared out all the replies.
Wait, what?! Much like the ol’ Splinter page, sounds like another favorite has been Spanfellered.
You can bet if Trump’s death were to occur before then, the conspiracy theories will be off the scale and his bonehead sons will assume they’re the natural heirs to the MAGA kingdom, though I think that crowd will basically ignore their attempts while looking to find their next Trump.