
Really? They billed him for it? *rolls eyes* I’m not surprised but I am disappointed. Every film I worked on the unspoken rule was something along the lines of “Oh gosh that must have just fallen down the storm drain. No way to get it back. No way at all. Yeah, weird how you can’t see it down there. Yeah, I know it

If this is true (it’s not) it would further prove that they have no fucking idea what they’re doing and are just shitting in their hands and smearing it on the walls. And just happened to paint something decent with Wonder Woman.

After receiving the money from Mr. Affleck, the accounting department was proud to announce they were finally in the black.

Read that as Anton Ego

Yes, there is a cabal of reviewers that have met together and conspired to trash every DC movie produced starting with Superman Returns. Except for: Superman Returns (76%), The Dark Knight (94%), Watchmen (64%), The Dark Knight Rises (87%), The LEGO Batman Movie (91%), and Wonder Woman (92%). But those were done just

Wait, what????? scrolling on pause, even with the hope that it’s something about Takei shaming abusers (pretty please?).  I will need more coffee to even begin to think about this. And quaaludes.
I might as well just start steeling myself now, for Tom Hanks’s long history of sex tourism in impoverished countries and

That’s my problem with this too. The comment was gross— anyone with an ounce of tact or class wouldn’t have said it. But unless he actually knew she was gay, then he didn’t intentionally out her. He was making a gross comment that happened to hit on an underlying truth.

And it was a hideously inappropriate thing to say about ANYONE, let alone a minor. It doesn’t matter if a person is closeted or wears a Lesbian Avenger tee shirt every day, public speculation about their sexuality is gross and wrong.

My SO works in the industry, I asked him who, on set, would someone experiencing any form of harassment speak to in regards of documenting a complaint. He said probably the PA. Probably, screams to me that this isn’t communicated to them because the industry probably doesn’t want to hear complaints. I was surprised

He publicly said a closeted person was gay. Yes, he outed her.

Prior to reading your post, I was thinking about a Nancy Reagan bio I read once, her mother was an actress and her family was ashamed because in those days it was the equivalent of being a prostitute. I wonder if there was any negative stigma to men becoming actors?

The poster is a troll.

. . .Please tell me that’s merely the world’s most-inappropriate internet joke. Please tell me we don’t live in a world where someone actually made that joke out loud.

Why does this reek of : The government wants to know more about this so they can weaponize their own version for soldiers or enemies.

Or am I just paranoid?

I guess you’ve never had a middle aged white man for a father. Mowing the lawn is serious shit okay? Special equipment , special outfits and you really can’t do anything else that day. I am almost positive it is over some weird breach of lawn mowing regulations.

He strikes me as exactly the type of asshole who mows his lawn at 5 am.

I would tackle a neighbor for doing this as well. Especially a repeat offender, as I’m sure this isn’t his first 5 a.m. mow-a-thon. You have to be a real monster to put your lawn ahead of the sleep of your neighbors. But we already know Rand is a monster.

He was mowing at 5 AM?? I’d tackle a neighbor for that