
I’m trying to remove the spare tire from my donk by exercising, not add a new one.

Your username is sadly unlikely to ever be true.

Your username/avatar combo simultaneously delights and upsets me. I thought you should know.

...go on

I got you: 917-999-6143

A link to a story in which they mention it (at the end) so that you know I’m not screwing you over:

Someone in the comments said that the actor has impersonated Obama before. Might be a hint.

I don’t want this to be true but we need to know.

Because I don’t really feel comfortable googling it, what is WAM?

What, you mean you don’t want your car to sound like a long, obnoxious fart?

As in the prices will go up?

You should frame this comment and put it on your wall.

I like the cut of your jib.

You jest, but someone upthread posted about that actually happening..

Yep, I read here that they now make wayyyyy more than they’d planned and demand dried up. Sad!

It would just be old Suburbans, at least if we’re talking about the south. Suburbans and Tahoes of every year imaginable, probably handed off to their children.

The day I can afford it I will buy a 2008 Cayman. I drew them when I was a kid, it’s pretty cool that they’re relatively affordable right now.

Alejanro and Ghosts_n_stuff both seem to be defunct, other than those two that was a solid list. To your knowledge, has anyone combined astrophotography and cars on a high level yet? Because I’ve had a shot rolling around in my head for a while...

Since you mentioned Instagram, what accounts do you follow? I’ve had trouble finding real enthusiast accounts on there (and my other hobby, astrophotography, is underrepresented too). I’m tempted to expand into shooting cars as I know someone with a Ferrari California, but I don’t want to bother him if there’s no

Finally, I’ve been wondering what the name of this monstrosity was for about 10 years. Thanks for posting.

Rousey never touches gloves from what I’ve read.