
Anon, prepare to have Mossad all over your ass soon. It won't be pretty. Remember Stuxnet/Flame? Yeah.. they designed it. Their dick is bigger than yours, so don't try and measure up.. it will only end badly


Well, since we're sharing anecdotes here, 80% of the people I know wear watches. They don't die anywhere near as quickly and are (mostly) fashionable to boot.

Actually, I do know of a modern use case for the Segway. A disabled girl that goes to my college uses one to get around. My dad and I found that very interesting... they do have a valid application. *the more you know*

What is the best non lock deterrent to secure a bike with (special bolts, etc) that you've ever heard of/encountered? Also, what warning signs should you pick up on when choosing wehre to lock up your bike?

If all of Giz was like this, I'd still be here. It's changed so much in the last 2 years that I don't think I can stick around in any real way. Keep writing, I'll be reading what you have to say!

^This is why I still love Giz

My heart just melted.

Fucking magnets, how do they work?

Wait, so.. how did this thing die?

Luke chugged first

That's amazing. (Is my comment long enough yet?)

Thank you for the advice, I'll definitely pick that book up.

Well, if you have, I'm extremely jealous.

"Han looks out for Han first" - ManiacalShen

Can you post a link to that? I'm intrigued.


Reading the part where you listed what you (almost lost) made me tear up (especially the Rollei! yikes).

I'd just like to say that a lot of you are being really stupid about this. He's obviously sorry, everyone's done something stupid when they're drunk.

I'll start: