
Does the invite have to be from a premium user?

Maybe if she was in the kitchen she'd see her mistake.

Where is the "No Like" part of the review?

Ok, how was this image edited? It's quite good.

Agreeed, I don't know why no one remembers this.

*Asuka Love Pillow

But... but.... eh you're right. Just give me a funtioning Eva.

I might be going to see this with my family today. Was it really that bad?

Seriously though; That's about it. Maybe Symbian..

I'm buying one. I just decided, I don't care how old it is.

I've never facepalmed so many times during a video.

Hahah I reaaaaaaaally need a PS3 so I can play that.

What are you talking about?

Yes. Everyone else failed to qualify, so you get the grand prize. One (1) Google Plus invite, valued at $9000. Email?

Alright, Google Plus. I have invites. Go. 30 Minute time limit..

Haha I watched that show soooo much when I was younger.

Role model.