
You realize Secularists exist to consume pornography and murder their own children in the womb like the disgusting perverts they are?

You realize the Nazis existed to ensure the dominance of the Aryan Race?

Only a porn addict Secularist believes he’s liberating a woman by trying to use her as a sex object.

Why do Millennials feel the need to apologize for criticizing anything ever? Criticism is ok. Morality and truth exist. Everything doesn’t come from nothing for no reason.

This is no different than government “educational”/propaganda institutions. Secularists have reversed the Flynn Effect because they’re immoral perverts who only indulge in cheap pleasures and never build wealth. As people become more and more sexually perverted and lazy, all institutions will become mediocre. Even the

Let me guess: you’re addicted to pornography and you think Christianity is not serious enough for you (based, not on your own inquiry, but what your bitter Secularist “teachers” have told you in public “school” your whole life), but you actually think you find meaning in the new Marvel movie?

The Cult of the Secularists needs something to believe in since they reject God out of love for their favorite sins.

You guys are Secularist cultists and you’ll never admit there isn’t life. You’ve given up on Christianity and you need a new Heaven. Finding other forms of life is your little version of Heaven that you think will prove your worldview.

What a pathetic country of perverts and video game zombies. No one makes art anymore—too busy with Kardashians and Pokemon!

Only Secularist pukes think Russian Nationalism is stranger than Secularist beliefs. (Secularists are the worst murderers in history by far, even worse than Muslims.)

That wasn’t funny...

The joke was only good for Secularist heathens. Just sayin

Do you not realize that you have your own faith beliefs? It’s truly sad how stupid the public “educational”/Secularist Leftist propaganda system makes its adherents.

Are you ready to admit that Secularists with belief systems quite similar to your own are the worst murderers in history, even worse than Muslims?

Yea or when a “pro-choice” baby murderer/”abortionist” murders a pro-life unborn baby!

Way to brag about where you go to school you stupid shmuck. Columbia churns out Secularist Leftist hacks who contribute nothing to society and, along with the other pervert heathens at other increasingly mediocre indoctrination camps/”universities” across the nation, are destroying it with their absurd, cancerous

Do you have any evidence whatsoever that abortion reduces poverty? Secularists have murdered a billion babies in the womb like Nazis and they haven’t reduced poverty anywhere in the long term. Technology reduces poverty. “Abortion”/genocide of the unborn leads only to population suicide and other evil.