Enjoy getting carpal tunnel with your hand in claw formation 40+ hours a week dorkboy video game addict :)
Enjoy getting carpal tunnel with your hand in claw formation 40+ hours a week dorkboy video game addict :)
What if we think all those games are garbage? I think PC gamers are usually dorks and addicts. They brag about being slightly better at video games no one cares about except other video game dorks.
That was fake news. You filter bubble people are so brainwashed!
Fuck you too pussy boy!
Here it is folks. Miserable pervert Secularist Leftist showing his true totalitarian colors!
I would be there to tell you what a snowflake pu$$y you are! And I would NOT stop! :)
Yea and fuck Obama and Elon Musk for stealing billions of taxpayer money, am I right comrade?!?
You’re all a brainwashed herd. You don’t even have real beliefs, you just check whatever is “trending” at the moment.
You should leave the country. You’re too good for Trump’s America!
Telling a Secularist faggot like you what a faggot you are is also just fine! :)
Yea if you’re a snowflake pu$$y!
You guys are such a bunch of rats. You are the cancer of this country.
Yea and I’m tired of watching white guys who are afraid to lose their job dance to mediocre rap music because “changing demographics”. Filter bubble people like you are in for more rude awakenings.
Your guys’ PC bullshit ruins everything.
Snowflake problems :)
Good one bro
Baby murdering whores.
Only a porn addict Secularist believes he’s liberating a woman by trying to use her as a sex object.
What a pathetic country of perverts and video game zombies. No one makes art anymore—too busy with Kardashians and Pokemon!