
And there’s a difference between People Magazine and real life.

Boy I bet this rich person’s life is difficult based on whether a Democrat or Republican is president, and she is easily able to relate to people such as you or me

Hmm, I don’t remember prison overcrowding or Black kids being shot by cops being major on Parks & Rec.

Most of the stuff people are mad about Trump for has been shit that has been going on for awhile and know people are just noticing because Trump is in power. If Trump wasn’t in power, these people could go on living in their little bubble, but it’s not like things are going to get better in the near future. Think of

That was a “devastating beatdown”?
I think we might be getting a little too sensitive, especially since both these wankers are less famous than a fucking raccoon climbing a building.

I’m sorry, I’m looking for AV? I think i ended up in Jezebel.

Damn Sam, the hyperbole these last two days, wow. I was going to comment yesterday, when you called Transparent a “hit,” when in fact by Amazon’s own metrics Transparent is one of their worst received shows among viewers. Call it critically acclaimed sure, but calling it a “hit” is just inaccurate. Now we have Tiffany

To be fair, I have no idea what Crazy Ex-Girlfriend is, that she was starring in it, and don’t generally know who she is.

The AV Club piggybacking on the GQ conflict mining is just icing on the cake.

Wait, you’re the one who introduced the term ‘virtue signal’ into the conversation and then got super annoyed at what a shitty term ‘virtue signaling’ is? The fuck? What Don DiMello is referring to isn’t ‘virtue signaling’. If anything, it’s ‘Clapter Comedy’: the-rise-of-clapter-comedy.html.

“You used to work with my husband”

I look forward to reading about Sam’s beef with professional standards and career satisfaction.

This is the most boring attempt to mine conflict I’ve seen this this website do so far.

Saying “hey you met me before” and “my husband wrote on a show you used to do.” Yeah, that beatdown was severe. Nothing hurts more than being reminded you meet a lot of people and some of them fall through the memory cracks.

It would be hard for someone to exist in 2018 and not already know why Tiffany Haddish is such a superstar.

I honestly don’t know who this is. It wasn’t that hard, I promise.

I respect Cameron Esposito for being so upfront about her trauma but this also goes to show that “punching up” is not in itself a mark of good comedy. So much of this special boils down to her basically saying “Isn’t it funny how so many people do the wrong thing while I do the right thing? Please clap.”. Pandering

Jaime Lee Curtis was the head of the heist in Wanda?

yall have to shill for this crapfest huh?

Awful lot of talking going on after what was literally the least special championship run in history.