The true baseball heroes like Ted Williams and Joe DiMaggio only have a WAR of 1, because the only WAR true baseball fans care about is World War II. Let me know when Mike Trout kills a Nazi.
The true baseball heroes like Ted Williams and Joe DiMaggio only have a WAR of 1, because the only WAR true baseball fans care about is World War II. Let me know when Mike Trout kills a Nazi.
Yes, I do give black women credit for the courage of their convictions.
Two black women on the jury voted not guilty, right?
It is also worth noting that Lavrov is named in the Russian dossier the FBI is (was?) investigating, as someone who was actively involved :) Page 28.
Aaron Hernandez, an innocent man, died in prison. Yet, Tom Brady (clearly guilty of evidence tampering) walks free. That’s America for you.
Does the suicide trick work for library fines, too?
If you don’t want to cooperate with the other five people on your team, who also paid for it, then how about playing vs AI or creating a custom game so you’re not ruining their fun?
I dont think being toxic is right, but I don’t think being a strident independent asshole who decides to put their team at a disadvantage for the entire match is correct either. If you’re gonna play a team game and decide not to play as a team but just go off and do your own thing no matter the costs you’re just being…
Good, we’re glad you left. If you’re gonna play a team game and then not play for the team then why are you playing the game in the first place? Overwatch in particular is a game that stresses team play over individual action with an emphasis on adaptation via counter picking. If you were the type of player who…
They do deserve the hate. In a game of counter picks, everyone will change heroes except Hanzo mains. SURE, they will tell you they will switch, and if they do at best they will switch to Widow. All they want to play is a sniper in a game of +20 heroes. They can be the greatest shot in the world, but 9/10 they are no…
Why, when turning yourself in, would you wear a cartoon prison outfit?
I automatically assume that anyone who identifies as republican is a scum-bag.
I am so disgusted with our country. Republicans keep getting rewarded for putting their greed over helping the country. They faced no consequences for bullshit Iraq war, they faced no consequences for 8 years of intense racism aimed at Pres Obama, and I have no faith in our voters to hold these fuckers accountable for…
The House of Representatives—including a congressman who supposedly represents me—celebrated after passing a bill that condemns to death thousands ore more people with treatable illnesses.
Maybe they sang it because they know those republicans just signed their pink slips. There’s no getting re elected after this.
Numerous reporters spotted carts of Bud Light being rolled into the Capitol in preparation for a GOP House celebration.
I know the point here is that Chris Christie is a lewser but just to get needlessly heavy about stuff: I come from a family full of drug addicts can I just say shitheads like Christie making addiction sound like a secret dark magic germ that hides in marijuana plants and jumps out and grabs you and makes you do heroin…
Counterpoint: she and her husband are doing some pretty fucked up things re: the charter school their kids go to.
I am constantly infuriated by the wistful, “Oh, I would take Dubya back; he wasn’t so bad, etc.” Wasn’t so bad? He presided over a completely evil administration which is responsible for spreading terrorism much more effectively than 9/11. He is a war criminal.
If you looked up “stupid take” on Google, and then clicked Images, a screenshot of your comment here would be there.