
Eh, not a fan these days. His schtick lately has been to comb twitter for the worst takes and offer it as proof of a hysterical, monolithic response from American liberals on whatever is pissing him off that day. He also tweets things that are quickly disproven (Chelsea lifetime achievement award, that nonsense

Hillbots who still insist on blaming Sanders for their failures are about as sharp as the gov’t-dependent poor white trash who voted for Trump. Neither will ever admit to backing the wrong horse.

*eyeroll* This tired schtick?

Stick a sock in it. People hated Hillary long before they knew who Bernie Sanders was.

Baylor: “Boy, we’re finally overtaking Penn State for most odious institutional breakdown! Our ‘callousness toward victims’ ratings are unprecedented!”

i mean, this is a show that stars anthony anderson who may have been acquitted but i will always side eye

The ony thing that really appalled me in that SI piece is that Sarah Fucking Palin described Kaep’s donation to Meals on Wheels as a publicity stunt. For crissakes. “You’re only helping the hungry for attention!” Ugh.

pretty sure the vast vast majority of his fans are women

This morning on AM Joy, it was disclosed that Devin Nunes, (the Chairman of the House Oversight Committee) has his own ties to Russia. His vineyard’s distributor in Europe is a Russian oligarch/ friend- of- Vlad, and he didn’t disclose this. Conflict of interest much?

Republicans are enemies of the American people. Period. Literally. Full Stop. They are domestic enemies and should be treated as such.

insurance companies may no longer be required to cover prenatal care, maternity and newborn care, mental health, prescription drugs, emergency visits, hospitalization, outpatient care, preventative care, and more.

‘Look at this, right now you’re in spring training working out, and we’re with our people, with our silver medals.’  

“None of our main guys say no to the baseball classic.”

how you gonna threaten me with a gift, don?

People don’t want to be reminded of that fuckbag’s opinions every time his character opens his mouth.

Hey. Fuck you too.

Association with shitty philosophy?

If you have enough money, or if you’re in our government, then you’re above the law.

While my first response was “holy shit,” am I being too cynical when I think that this will be barely enough, if at all, to actually do damage to the Trump Administration?