
totally agreed - this is no longer about policy, its about ideology.

awhile ago.

That’s the thing a lot of people don’t understand... it’s not a difference of political opinion anymore, it’s an issue of common human decency. And the republicans have shown that they have none - almost every hill they make a stand on is genuinely about keeping the downtrodden down under the boot of the

This sort of legislation comes of pure political ignorance. In a state like NC (assuming this legislation holds up in court), it’s likely the next Governor will be a Republican and this move will bite that one’s ass. Stupid and short sighted conservative over-reach (yet again).

Republicans have become a disease.

“Alt-left” isn’t a thing. It’s something neo-Nazis say to try to equate their own bigotry and anti-democratic values with “just another opinion.”

Try as I might, there is no stopping the renewed flare of rage I feel at them with each new Orange-related revelation. It is very, very hard not to hate them for all they’ve chosen to put the rest of us through. Most of all, I want them to never, ever trust their own judgment the rest of their lives- they need to

4 more years?

Our country has elected a Manchurian candidate.

The entire 2016 election needs to be invalidated. This is bullshit.

GAVIN NEWSOM 2020! He has most of Bernie’s policies and a mug that can kill. hate to say it but DNC needs a JFK charisma moment after the 2016 shitstorm. I’m not going to be too idealistic and pure to say charm/looks might be what we will need to win over those shithead 53% of white women who voted trump. (PLUS he has

This. He got elected so they’re job is done. Who cares about the rest of it?

They tuned out before they nominated him, let alone elected him.

They can’t seem to grasp that we just lost the cold war because they probably think the cold war involved fighting in Antarctica for a reality show on TLC.

The Republicans have basically tuned out at this point.

Is it good news or bad news that the 86% of people who approve of his transition so far have no idea what the fuck is happening in his transition so far?

Just curious, why wouldn’t the Democratic Party support that? Hillary Clinton was much more willing to resolve her conflicts of interest than Trump was.

I don’t apologize for supporting my candidate, or for the reasons I supported her. But, I missed everything people were saying about why she couldn’t win. We can’t fix shit until we admit we screwed up.

I know this site is filled with admittedly hilarious jokes, and I wouldn’t want it any other way, but thank you for saying this in a serious tone. It’s amazing how powerful those 3 words, “I was wrong”, can be. Saying “I was wrong” doesn’t make you dumb or an idiot. It makes you human. We’d be in a much better place

The answer is incredibly simple, we pass a series of laws clearly delineating conflicts of interest and mandating financial transparency to assume the office.