
You must be one dumb motherfucker.  Fucking idiot.  

Your family and dad are evil.  Fuck you.  

Marvel is for children, morons, and adult babies.  

That’s because you are a fucking retard with terrible taste.   Read a book you fucking brainless zombie.  

This show is a fucking turd.  

Only the rich and famous are worthy of justice in the USA.   The millions of other people who have had their lives destroyed by the racist drug war can rot in US prisons while President Biden protects his crackhead son.  

lol  I’m sure the Democrats will get right on that.  They are so good at getting things done.  lol   

It sucks how much fucking morons like you fuck over the world by never ever learning any lessons from Iraq, Vietnam, etc.   Fuck off warmonger.  

lol   You are so stupid.  

This is a website for retards.   Real issues in the world but you morons cover a baby of two nobodies.   Fucking morons.  

A union buster with a long history of locking up non white people for non violent drug crimes but she is black so that is all that matters to racist corporate Democrats.  

Barack Obama and the Democrats care so much about Trayvon Martin they did nothing to get his family justice.  

Kamala is stupid.  You are stupid for defending her.  Dumb ape. 

What’s up with all the black politicians being complete trash? 

Likely he saw what a shitty job The Root does on reporting on black politicians and thought how he wanted to get in on the action.  

Only giant retards will watch this show. 

You should be beaten to death you insufferable douche.   I hope someone road rages you.    Fucking loser.  

You are such an evil dogshit lying piece of shit.   

You dumb fucks wanted Joe Biden.  This is what you get.  Should have voted for Bernie.   Now fuck off and suffer you stupid fucking losers.   Keep listening to a corrupt fraud like Clyburn.  Idiots.  

Honestly amazing you think Abrams corrupt endorsement of Bloomberg the racist is a good thing.   You must be dumber than a fucking ape to believe that you absolutely embarrassing fucking loser.