
Little bit of projection there.

Someone blamed this on GMOs??? LOL. Medications maybe... but pesticides and GMOs? Funny

So have gun-related homicides.

Assuming you can limit access by making something illegal.

Agreed. I am also happy that a bomb did not go off.

The point is the anti-gun crowd uses any opportunity, no many how transparently stupid, to make an issue about the horribleness of guns.

Maybe focus on what happened rather than what did not happen?

Guns are not new.

Interesting that your first thought wasn't "Why are kids these days committing so much random violence?"

I know. This is horrible. We should recognize that only guns are dangerous and that banning them is effective. Or should we ban both? I don't pretend to have all the answers, but I know all the legitimate questions.

And why do I know you're screen name?

Yeah... who pays into that money pit? Hint: Not the people who got the money.

It's about money, not religion, you dummy.

Actually he's a centrist. He has the family values piece but he also has the progressive adulterist piece. He's also probably a NAMBLA member... very progressive.

Lady GaGross


So we agree then.

Impossible to prove it doesn't. Just saying.

Guess you don't know what fair means.

Yet the progressives will still back illegal immigration.