baraboobian can't tell from this angle...but one actually hangs lower than the know so they don't bang into each other

i didn't wait until i was 40...even as a child i was terrified of death...i remember lying in bed and picturing myself in a coffin and it would literally take my breath away...maybe its because i don't believe in an afterlife

i can't convince my wife of that (rimshot)

the iphone 4 can't can't do 1080p and if rumors are true, the new ipad will...???...sounds right to me.

i filed a complaint with the ftc, and i too plan to file a complaint with the bbb. i called and talked to a couple service representatives...the second one was something in something like the "customer retainment" department...i was asking to be let out of my contract. i've had their service since 2009 and it has

if drugs were legal, meth likely wouldn't even exist...we crack down on drugs like cocaine that are produced elsewhere and smuggled...the price of those drugs go up...then people look for alternatives...meth is relatively easy to produce with chemicals available for purchase...this makes it cheap and widely available

the second scene looked like an extreme close up of a nipple

can't you return it?

bluetooth accessory?...microphone for siri controlled apple tv?

my kids like the care bear movies

i think that deserves a star

brown pride?...aren't there websites that cater to white supremacist sympathizers?

i'm sure that there is no risk that the hair sample used was contaminated...the song is probably based on the dna of e coli rather than beethoven

that's not saying much...the iphone comes with a cord...actually i think most shoes come with 2 cords so they stay on your feet

i don't think you are completely alone..."grumpy old man" doesn't seem to have a clue what rfid chips are...quoting him: "this is why Americans will probably not be able to travel the world; the rest of the world is moving to chip-and-pin cards and away from mag-strip card tech." sounds like he thinks rfid chips

i think it can take a long time for a scientific discovery finds a practical application...if i remember correctly, i was reading about flat panel televisions that you could hang on the wall in magazines like popular science since the early 90's...not quite the same as a cure for cancer...but in my mind almost as

keith olbermann used puppet theater when he was on msnbc...i haven't seen him use it on current tv yet...however his production value was lower...popsicle sticks with paper faces taped on...michael jackson's pedophilia trial was one instance where he used popsicle puppets

glad to know i'm not crazy...the pictures are so bad, i'm surprised the author of the article didn't comment on it

no...i don't know what you mean...please tell be more explicit when telling everyone what websites and video you like to watch...thank you

if you think they are sophomoric, why do you listen to what they have to say?