
two words: sarah palin

it was my first year of junior high during the hypercolor fad...everytime i hear hypercolor now, i think of this enormous bully who i was scared of for months because i threw chocolate milk on his brand new hypercolor sweatshirt...he got so mad...anyway...i've hated hypercolor ever since

i see it...i guess it would be more accurate to say i see jack's head from "nightmare before christmas"...however, i'm not sure that would i would have seen it without the article suggesting it.

just looked up dfu mode...i read gizmodo almost daily...have jailbroken my iphones 4 or 5 times and have never heard of dfu mode...these iphone thieves would be pretty sophisticated if they would know to do this...anyway, i stand corrected...and am left slightly less ignorant than before...thanks

i don't know if this is the appropriate place...but there is new ios app..."x is for x-ray"...made by the makers of "elements" and i believe "solar system" know those overpriced but pretty cool and well made science apps...anyway, this one is for small children and is an abc digital book...each letter is for an

if i lived there, i would definitely create a passcode so they couldn't reset to factory settings or otherwise disable the ability to track the long as they powered it on at some should be possible to find them with "find iphone"...right?

i'll preface by saying that i'm not an expert on the mideast...but i feel that the israeli government delegitimizes itself by committing repeated war crimes...the incident that comes to mind immediately is the use of white phosphorus in populated areas...or the invasion of the turkish boat...not to mention the

red blood cell disqualified for blood doping

not only am i wrong, but apparently i'm ignorant as well...what is the "phantomzone tag"?...isn't that where superwoman was sent?

tornado warning = actual tornado seen in the sky or on radar...tornado watch = conditions are right for tornado...tornado warnings are so much

okay, okay...i said i might be wrong...and i admit it...i was wrong

"dragging a body any distance is tough enough on land, much less while swimming"

i was giving you a hard time...i knew what you meant, but it sounded funny to me when you wrote: "the ancient greeks wouldn't have been perceptive enough"...they are probably the most perceptive and influential people in the history of western civilization at the very least

i have suspected that steve jobs and/or apple were/are ideologically conservative for some time...1) the censoring of explicit material from the app store...i want it, you want it, everyone wants it...not just for sexual gratification...a lot of apps could be better without the prudish rules of the app store...besides


yeah...those ancient greeks...what dummies sit around thinking of ways to put people through hell? i hate that people think it is okay for prisoners to be treated a sadistic manner...i think a society should be judged on how it treats the worst in that society.

ridiculousness...that stupid show has a stupid segment every stupid week in which they "bing" a stupid question to see what stupid video they get as a stupid result. i hate that show...the co-hosts steelo brim and chanel west coast add nothing of value to the show...anyway...the whole bing thing is such an obvious

well...i don't if this still occurs...but i remember google had evidence of bing straight up copying their search results