
I think Thea will die.

TVD is crap.


Man, what an episode.

Yep, and actually rated last night's Supergirl higher. Bastards.

Is it wrong that I didn't miss Iris at all?

Thank you, AV Club, for seeing this episode as it is, unlike IGN.

Deserved a higher grade rating than a C+.

Means nothing when advertisers won't pay.

Just for that, I hope they cancel Jane as well.

Supernatural's viewers are quadruple of CEG. I think CEG should go!

Laurel won't die. It's Felicity in the grave.

Doesn't work like that for Thea, mate.

Let's cancel Reign, The 100, and CEG, and use that funding for a Constantine series.

9.5 / 10

You review this over Supernatural? SHAME!

TO; D-

TVD: A- (A for Nora and Mary Lou's kiss)

Great episode.

They said Kal-El also.