
Supergirl is hot.

What a harsh grade.

Dead is dead. But Jon will be a White Walker in the end. Hopefully a leader!

Every episode is like a comic book. I love it.

I love this show so much!!

Alaric: Uh, Enzo..
Enzo: …Bollocks.

This episode shows Caroline who she truly is. She's selfish. She thinks what she /wants/ and not what anyone else wants. That's what she's about, and I'm glad the writers stuck to that.

Roy: Don't you talk to her like that.
Oliver: The fck did you say b!tch.

Oliver: I'm going to train with Malcolm. He's the only one who knows how to beat him.
Felicity: But I want a milkshake…
Oliver: R'as is coming back to kill not only me, but my sister too.
Felicity: You were gone for a month, and you didn't tell me.
Oliver: Bitch, I was stabbed through the chest, pushed off a cliff, and

Early / Late March, beginning of April. And this will probably be cancelled then. It'll have it's full season run. It'll probably be either moved to Mondays, or Fridays.

The show is based on a COMIC BOOK. If you're not a comic book reader, you're obviously going to miss all the Easter eggs they lay out. It's like watching Doctor Who but have no recollection to time travel itself.

You can't expect every hero to be entertaining right from the get-go. Especially the Glades guy. He's going to take a lot to actually get somewhere. It's great to see a journey of a hero transforming.

I'm glad there was minimal Felicity, there was too much of her recently. And for the record, Roy is meant to be boring. He doesn't become entertaining in the comic books until he takes on his full persona of Arsenal. Diggle is ace though, and I don't think he was truly written correctly in Yesterday's episode.

Irrelevant. She/He doesn't understand the concept of Roy's character. It makes look like he /she is thick as horse poo.

1. You gave it a C+; I laughed so hard, I knew I wouldn't be able to take this review seriously.


There's a damn lot more people who watch TVD opposed to Reign (which is certain to be cancelled btw)

Grade Rating: A+

Can we get TVD recaps instead of Reign? No one even watches Reign.

I would have given TVD an A+; I think we're getting back to Season 1 - 3 in terms of awesomeness!