
People have this much free time?

Then who, Kirk, is baby Mario? And how did he get there? Google and Yahoo Answers have given me very little to work with

This makes perfect sense. In fact, it’s all in the title of the game; they just forgot the proper punctuation.

Counter argument: WAH!

I love how the comment section is 0% discussing the actual play in the video and 100% noobs QQ’ing about Bastion.

Besides, they already teased Laura Kinney in X-Men Origins: Wolverine. They showed her in frozen as baby and the cryo tube was labeled X-23.

He’s narrating the events 100 years later, it’s not a dream. He’s recounting the events, I’m sure he was filled in after he reawoke. New theory. R2D2 is the force, and he wakes up.