
Sadly a lot of monster hunter is kindof throwing everything to the wall and seeing what sticks (as far as trying out weapons goes) If you want to learn combos there’s a spot in your personal quarters (the house keeper cat) that can take you to a training area. All the combos for your weapon are there and you can

Not sure you do.

There are a few groups on Ps4, if you join up in one of the PSN groups i’m sure you’ll find a decent group. I go lucky with a bunch of Final Fantasy Guild mates playing. We can always pick you up if you need a group.

You don’t spend the paid currency to buy ops bro.. sorry but you have no idea what you’re talking about..

Does he know which dude he is?

You need to calm down, friend.

Famfrit is getting better as of Monday night, I could actually run floors of POTD haha. I know that people are still having issues in the new SB areas but for the most part I think everything is calming down.

Was I the only one on PS4 who couldn’t participate in the faction war for the last about week?

I feel you bro hah.

such edge

Have you ever played an MMO? In most cases the top tier and high level gear is capped by currency that you can only get a few of a day. Look at the tomes in FF 14, honor in WoW. I haven’t play guild wars 2 but I’m 100% sure they have the same mechanic. It sucks but that’s what most MMO’s do to make you grind.



This is literally the best thing I’ve seen in a long time haha. I loved Scott Pilgrim and I’m a huge batman geek. Please we need more.

I wonder if anyone has put up the ultimate showdown of ultimate destiny yet..

I really love how everyone is acting like the dude went out to find a person with a mental disorder to make fun of. I’m a leafy fan but as per most of his videos his fans send him something and he just rags on it, real talk the stuff he makes fun of is mostly just the weird stuff this guy (and a bunch of the other

You do know he actively tells his fans not to comment on the videos he makes fun of right?

Note: all salt was gathered from Jon Snow fans after season 5

Please make a mod..

I now know what I have to farm..