It is a quote. Though I think you are right.
It is a quote. Though I think you are right.
What's the over/under on time till these things are found in the wild? I'm taking the under.
Ever heard of buried above? me either ;)
Congratulations! You've just come up with the newest phobia, wasps infesting holes in your skull. You, of course get to name it. ;)
"The article, which is co-authored by practitioners from the Department of Gastroenterology, National Naval Medical Center, Bethesda, Maryland, and the Gastroenterology Service, Walter Reed Army Medical Center, Washington, DC"
Are the temperature requirements required for year round habitation? Do bats migrate?
Well played, well played. Subtle till it runs you over. =)
In medical terms, the term "accidental" means the patient did not intend to harm to one's... rectum. Suicide will be self-inflicted i.e. not an accident whereas a hot coffee enema would be considered accidental. She just wanted a caffeine induced roto-rooter not an injured rectum. The intent is relevant with…
Ahhhh, taxpayer dollars hard at work.
While I love G+, I've been dying for the music app. Praise the google!
Johann hit on something important, office lighting is typically made used cheap ballasts, the things that turn on and kept the bulb going. Cheap ballasts can do pretty much every bad thing to a bulb to drive you bonkers, humming, buzzing, flickering, eat bulbs, etc.
Have you tried grafting to rootstock? It has all the advantages of cuttings and rootings and doesn't take as long to mature.
Once upon a time, 2008 iirc, LH gave out stars to certain people. Those individuals can promote comments into featured status and their comments are auto-featured status. I found the original post a couple of days ago by searching for 'stars'. I don't know if LH is actively giving stars anymore, but I would imagine…
Charlie, love the write up. I may or may not agree with you on this, "And that same story is at the heart of Real Steel, despite all you've heard about it just being Rocky with robots substituted for Sylvester Stallone. (As if you'd be able to tell the difference.)"
Just goes to show how much more we have to learn when it's 2011 in a rather "mature" science i.e. biology that we just now find a common organelle.
I couldn't get passed the 1h6m mark. I've been told many times that is exactly when things get started. If it takes 1h for a movie to "really get going", I'll pass. I love the premise, the explanation, the low budget, yet polished job they did, but I just can't do it.
On a warm February day in San Marcos, Texas.
My head is exploding. I can't resolve that this is likely a joke, but is so well done that it might just be real.
Too little or too much grounds as well as water temperature all affect coffee taste and bitterness. If you have consistently bitter coffee, add more grounds. I don't remember the relation between water temp and coffee, but I think it's hotter relates to more bitter. High end coffee makers (mostly) make better…