
While I see where you are coming from and sometimes agree, I don't think you quite understand. They have a fundamentally different point of view about intellectual property than we do. So, we might call it chutzpah, they might just call it ready to ship.

The alternate shown inline above ( [] ) has the soundtrack from the movie Pearl Harbor (2003) and it's titled "War" by Erich Kunzel and the Cincinnati Pops Orchestra. Subtle message, massive ripoff, pure political stupidity, or all three?

Well. yea! And so is Brad Pitt, didn't ya know? ;)

Do you have any old writing samples? Is it actually worse or maybe actually better? Maybe, you just have an eye for what's wrong now and you write the same.

The new Kindle Fire uses Amazon's Silk browser. All web requests will go through Amazon's cloud services and web pages will be optimized for the Silk browser on the Fire.

Now playing

I play this song over and over usually about 4 times I'm out of it, 4 or more times and I'm grooving again.

I remember listening to the Imperial March on vinyl. The medium may have changed, but his music his still awesome.

You'd think the guy could have picked a small Tanganyka cichlid in a large tank to see if they get aggressive. Instead, he picks a bomber Central American cichlid.

There are many sites that do that though I haven't shopped the prices. Are the prices typically high?

Lost in Docs writes, "Do you have any suggestions to help me organize it all?"

Technically, 'cell' is source. 'battery cell' is an energy source from two or more cells (read: containers). It has been shortened to battery.

Yes, and that show is AWESOME! thanks

iirc, Adam had more followers on G+ than he did on Twitter after a couple of weeks. I think Google is truly going after Twitter and not FB (though not my original thought). I can mute conversations on G+ via gmail allowing me the volume of Twitter, but the control otherwise.

From the picture, it would seem that this is a FB post copied and pasted and then giving authorship to Sean Parker. Did Sean Parker asked to be a author? Did he say, "reprint this on your site and you can put my name on it?" If so, that's pretty interesting/cool that Sean Parker is a LH reader and

2nd sentence

That's the technique I use instead of the one listed. The one listed results in potentially tasting the pill. Most pills don't, but those that do, I really don't like the taste.

WUPHF, hahahahahaha, I'm afraid to watch that show, afraid!

"effected" is used when the effect is created, as in something new; whereas, affected is to cause an effect.

You sound well-informed so hopefully this is not news to you. Less than 50g a day is almost definitely ketogenic i.e. causing ketosis which is not the necessarily a bad thing. Just remember that ketogenic diets should be followed with considerable water consumption to avoid keto-acidosis.

To go a step further, any ingredient that occurs naturally but was manufactured is still considered natural. For example, high fructose corn syrup does exist naturally. By manufacturing massive amounts of it instead of taking it from a farm or plant, the makers can call the ingredient natural. And yes, MSG does