I don't know about you, but I remember that even the 'best' made fangs had this plastic taste and didn't fit quite right which irritated my gums and teeth up top and hurt my lip below. I doubt she lasts with the whole vamp fangs due to simple irritation - pisses off the guy - no more vamp fang watching.
tl;dr - Your stomach isn't stretched. It's your waistline from consuming more than you burn.
"A few basic species invaded and wiped out the more locally adapted species. "
I think "accountability buddy" really misses the point. There is satisfaction and joy in accomplishing the task, but that's where accountability buddy is a misnomer. All habits of any sort will trip, falter, fail, etc. It's all about getting back in the game. People who falter in quitting smoking, depression,…
@Jesse Ojala:summed up and nailed this entire column in a reset quote by Spiderman, Amazing! ;)
@Chip Overclock: Chip, you probably didn't find googling because the research was pre-internet. It involved caves in France. They started in the 60s and the last big report I remember was mid 80s. I added "France" to my google search and got a lot of stuff.
Once it started in Spanish, I thought "great! I can learn 'plop, plop, fizz, fizz' in Spanish". I was already pumped to sing it all day. Oh well.
I use the new "enhance" feature that's been featured on TV.
7/11 - very fearful date in history... once it overcomes the corner liquor store stereotype.
This is very nice. I do wish there were complete command line solutions from the Chrome OS address bar for pretty much everything e.g. twitter, calendar, tanks, evernote, im, email.
Did the WSJ do any data verification?
First: right foot red, then left hand blue, then left foot red, right hand yellow then command+control+option + esc + control + alt + del + cursing.
@icecreamman: Maybe gawker and company offer products or services that I don't see. I understand password and e-mail cross referencing, but I was really asking if some people have different exposure then others.
@icecreamman: I don't know what other services gawker and co. offer, maybe they offer web hosting or schwag t-shirt purchases on some affiliate that I have no idea about - that's where I was going with the question.
I use(d) a very low security password for lifehacker because a) I'm lazy b) I only use Lifehacker for commenting and c) I can only remember so many 8 character high security passwords for the sites that I do care about security.
@Haneyg: "No matter where you go, there YOU are". In other words, changing the scenery (literally or figuratively) is essential to change, but what is it about you that ended up in this situation. If you take that thing with you to the next place, you may very well end up in the same situation, but with better…
All the things I've read said it will be open protocol so you can take your information with you and you own it.
@alees: ^^^ the only thing that needed to be said.
"so" this word should never be used as it "so smart" "so good" so anything. Either come up with a real word or remove it, your writing will improve.