This is in no way equivalent to Scorsese’s hot take.
As someone who owns all the MCU films on Blu-ray, I agree with Denis Villeneuve. The thing is, I love the MCU formula. I also love Villeneuve’s films, and I cannot wait for Dune.
If you enjoy a series of children’s films about men in leotards throwing shapes before a studio green screen, you should feel as though you, everything that makes up who you are, and all that you cherish in this world and beyond are under grievous and immediate threat.
You know, I’d legit love to see John Waters take on the MCU...
It’s also obvious that Disney/Marvel is aware of this too, which is why they’ve been pushing TV/Streaming as the primary part of this wave.
Leaving aside the shítstorm this will cause among the chattering classes on YouTube... He’s right. And that’s speaking as a fan of the MCU.
I’m secure in my own opinions that I don’t need validation from some auteur director that the things I like are good. I just like the things I like.
Meh. It won’t be as cool as the better Ghostwriter.
I’m guessing you also haven’t seen the clip of Julia Stiles on the show Ghostwriter(I tried linking to it but Kinja). The weird thing is I just rewatched it before posting, and I posted “console jockeys” when it’s actually “console cowboys”, and now the edit window just passed.
I love movies. I love these actors. I even love podcasts.
It’s funny, I always confused Ansel Elgort with Alden Ehrenreich, and I was pretty disappointed when I found out it was actually the latter who was cast as Han Solo. From a looks standpoint, Elgort seems to resemble a young Harrison Ford a lot more.
I Legit thought this was some type of Miami vice spin off.
It is Michael Mann tho and this is called Tokyo Vice, so I half expect one of the characters to be living on a boat and have a pet giant salamander named Hideki
As much as I respected the craft of that movie, Ansel Elgort and Lily James are such a massive black hole of charisma and charm at the center of it that the whole enterprise really leaves me cold.
Literally just rewatched Baby Driver yesterday, and I have no idea what Edgar Wright was thinking in casting Elgort in the lead role.
You had me at St. Vincent, Annie Clark, Carrie Brownstein, and meta-documentary, lol. Seriously, if Annie Clark/St. Vincent is attached, you have my attention. I’m psyched to see this, especially if I get even the faintest glimpse of the genius behind St. Vincent.