I keep hoping they’ll release her show The Others on blu
I keep hoping they’ll release her show The Others on blu
The John Carpenter remix of Good Girls is excellent.
It doesn’t matter if racing never changes.
By doing something different than those sequels most likely. 2 decades means they can crack it open for all sorts of new story ideas. So far it sounds like the movie will be pretty meta.
In fairness, it can’t do any damage that the first two sequels haven’t already done. It’s a comparatively low bar — all it needs to be is less than a total disaster and it’ll be the second best Matrix movie...
The analogues are his nipples. Enjoy.
Wow, the Merovingian again. Was not expecting that!
I find it unacceptable, not because I want it, but because studios are falling into this trend of releasing unfinished games. First it was buggy games, now it’s games missing features with a TBD date of release for the finished product.
I’m super bummed. It’s the core of Halo, and what sets it apart from other games. I have a group of friends that were all planning to play it on launch day together. I don’t think they’ve seen this news yet.
Yeah I’m not bothering at launch, I always do every Halo campaign in coop with some buddies for the first go around.
I’m sorry, but not including coop in the launch is unacceptable. I’d rather they wait to launch the game until it’s ready.
Hope died on a mission in Odessa.
More school hallway scenes? I feel like Tom Holland has been a ~10th grader for like 5 friggin years.
Fucking amazing. I cannot wait for this. Seeing Doc Ock, the Pumpkin bomb and hearing that laugh again.
Or a case that threatens to burn down your house if you ever touch it again.
Just opening something does not invalidate your warranty, the manufacturer has to prove that what you did caused the damage. Its actually illegal (Assuming you are in the US.)
To be fair, this is still better than a PSU that explodes and takes the rest of the PC with it.
Watching this back-to-back with Dark City was always fun.