
This. I think we’ve all wanted to be able to control the default applications in IOS for a while now. If I could ask Siri directions to the nearest gas station and it opens google maps, I might use Siri. Same goes with email, text, browsers... but I’m an “Old” maybe not the target demo for these new updates. Text to

So like most people, I use Google Maps instead of Apple Maps. If I delete Apple Maps, what happens when I click on an address in an email? Does it default to Google Maps now in iOS 10 or does it just do nothing?

I think this was more for Joe because of what specifically happened to his family. I think it was something he was passionate about.

I really, REALLY hope that meaningful strides in the area of Cancer research is not a partisan issue.

You’re making the assumption that every cord cutter absolutely must subscribe to every available service that’s not cable TV. False assumption.

Yeah I came here to say that you probably have to be in close contact with your boss regarding this plan. If your boss sends you an email and gets an auto-reply they’re going to start thinking you’re taking off on vacation early without using your PTO hours.

Listen up:

My favorite email app is BlueMail. Adblock browser is good.

Dont be a dick u brought up ride sharing while trying to prompt the same difference. Its a fucking taxi service. If any of us had more important shit to be outraged about in these moments no one would be responding to anything on this fuck boy website. So you can take yourself off that shit for brains pedestal

I’m sick of Uber’s shannaigans. For those of you that live in NYC or Chicago, you should stop using Uber and switch to Via. I’ve been using it for a couple months and it’s helped me save a ton of money. It’s a ridesharing service - I’ve done it 3 or so times and each time it was a nice SUV like a Denali. 2 of the

It’s a connective side story slotted in between Episodes three and Four, while TFA is Episode seven.

I did this on 2 iPhones and was not charged, but I was charged for the movie when doing it on an iPad. Not sure if this makes a difference, but both iPhones are running iOS 9, the iPad is running iOS 7. On the plus side, I’ve freed up enough space on the iPad to finally upgrade the iOS.

Came here to comment exactly this, but to expand on it:

Right, but if I DID put $2 in a Netflix savings fund, that would negate the discount. Then USING the savings fund would really just “shift” the discount to the next to years. The discount doesn’t magically extend to 4 years.

Step 1. Weep.

Saying he was sucker punched implies Smith didn’t throw any punches which I find hard to believe. Most likely he threw some but most of them landed 10 yards past Enemkpali or out of bounds.

Enemkpali has been cut? I would have named him team MVP.

Over 2 years old now, and with so many changes in online made-to-order shops and options, I'd *LOVE* to see an update to this article!!