
Does anyone know if this works with the Amazon store card too or is it only the Rewards card? I have a feeling it’s only the Rewards card which is a pain in the ass since I have the store card already. I REALLY don’t need another credit card.

The wall will cost at least $18 BILLION, not million, to build. The dept of Homeland Security said it would be $21b...

Rand Paul just voted for tax cuts that adds $1.5 trillion to the deficit. He’s just grandstanding. This article is a joke.

The first sentence in this article made it clear that you’re just trying to dramatize things and get clicks. Sure, it’s the biggest drop in absolute dollar terms but it’s not even close on a percentage basis. You know this Hamilton and it’s pretty intentionally misleading. The price of the S&P 500 right now is just

I was coming here to say this too, it should really be mentioned in the main article. Any bank I’ve gotten a bonus from in the past has issued me a 1099 around tax season. You’ll definitely want to keep this in mind when deciding if it’s actually worth signing up for in the first place because of this. The bonus

“In all likelihood, they’ll probably start to creep back up from here under future administrations”

How powerful is your computer? I didn’t realize I could mine just on my own computer. I understand it’s a small amount but if I could add something like .1 ETH to my holdings each month id be pumped. Could you share some info about what you’re doing.

Ethereum is the future. I just read the below article yesterday that I think is a great analogy for people not in the space yet. A rotation from BTC into ETH is starting now, still time to get in...

Let me preface this by saying that I’m currently invested in ether because I think it’s a much better technology so this comment is totally unbiased. The below statement from the first paragraph is just totally misleading and I know it’s how 99.99% of the general public thinks too so I think this something needs to

How does a 401k factor into this since it’s pre-tax? For example, should I have something like 4x my salary (as opposed to 3x) at 40 if all my savings is in a 401k?

Ethereum is the future. Bitcoin is a fad.

That picture is way too close, could you step back a little bit? Thanks.

I use Gboard on an iPhone 7 and it shows up in my text app (goes away sometimes) but it does t show up in my email app. Any thoughts on what could be causing this? Thanks.

How is the selection for Amazon Unlimited vs. Spotify

How is the selection for Amazon Unlimited vs. Spotify

How’s the selection on Amazon Music Unlimited? How does it compare to Spotify in terms of selection? Thanks.

How’s the selection on Amazon Music Unlimited? How does it compare to Spotify in terms of selection? Thanks.

I’m 33 years old and live in NYC. I look totally normal but I have brain cancer which makes my balance pretty shitty and sometimes just totally wipes me out physically. I take a seat when I need it and don’t normally get up for someone else that’s elderly because I really need to sit sometimes. I’ll get up for a

On a side note, you guys are starting to lose your credibility with me. I know you don’t believe in garbage like this but you made this post anyways because you’re getting an affiliate commission on selling them. In the words of our president: SAD!

On a side note, you guys are starting to lose your credibility with me. I know you don’t believe in garbage like

Anyone have a good cold brew recipe they can share? I haven’t made it in awhile and forget my method. Brain tumor for the win.

Anyone have a good cold brew recipe they can share? I haven’t made it in awhile and forget my method. Brain tumor

There are 4 posts in a row that are ads or blatantly trying to sell something. This is pretty pathetic. You guys should be embarrassed. Makes me want to stop visiting Lifehacker. Does anyone know of any good replacements? Thanks 

Honest question: what is useful about the Timeline feature? I don’t understand what could be beneficial about this.