
This is the bleakest and most infuriating thing I have read all day, and that’s saying something.

I see the subtle slut-shaming in the ‘comparing sexcapades’ thing too—that’s also born of a stereotype, and perpetuating one.

Oh, sorry! I was unaware that the world would stop because I felt insecure! Honestly I’m surprised it’s lasted this long. 😝

Would watch!

The French couple I spoke to on vacation were convinced that Clinton had had a stroke and was unfit to be president—like, they KNEW that to be true. 😖 They didn’t like Trump either, but really didn’t like Obama. They were racist and classist in many ways, too. I should have asked them about Le Pen but they were

This is genius.

Have they heard this podcast tho?

Thank you! 💙 The biphobia elsewhere in this thread is making me want to crawl under a rock and never dare to call myself part of the queer community again. Grey so invisible but sending you good vibes!

I am so sick of this kind of attitude. It is biphobic and exclusionary—who are you to gatekeep the queer community? Bi people are just trying to have relationships with the people we love, and I’m pretty sure reducing that to the desire to be marginalized with a larger group is mind-bogglingly frustrating, not to

Wow, dude, the biphobia here is glaring. If you know bi women get “hella shit from both sides of the line,” (and what line is that, btw? The ‘line’ of gay vs straight? Super! More denial of atypical sexualities!) please stop continuing to shit on us. I am in the greys so no one will read this but it’s good practice

Right there with you!

Has he said this? Or are you erasing someone’s bisexuality with an unsupported opinion? Bi people don’t like that. And we bite! :)

I’ve gotten “How did you get to be so fat?” From my grandmother who spent my whole childhood telling me I was “such a good eater” for cleaning my plate.