
:( :( :(

Yes, it seems like this was an open secret. Which is sick.

Whatevs he's hilarious.

Not in Canada specifically, no. I have read a lot in recent years about athletes in the States assaulting women. On the other hand, I know nothing about hockey and don't follow sports - at all - in Canada or in the US. However, I would obviously be interested to read about any cases you can share with me.

It's true. Misogyny is a massive problem up here, as it is in most parts of the world. But it's pretty horrific that the coach knew about the assault and did nothing. This is the sort of thing I hear more often on American news. And this "Hockey Bible" is truly revolting.

That's your opinion

I see, so improving the mental health of the population and/or preventing eating disorders is not a priority for you? We should all just suck it up.

I didn't say that, however I would argue that Canada is a more liberal place than the US. I would also MAYBE argue that Canada is a better place to live as a woman. I would not have tried to make the claim that I didn't see any evidence of a rape culture problem in Canada before this - only that it is maybe not as bad

Ah, right. Yeah, that is pretty fucking embarrassing and rage-inducing.

Exactly. "Nothing tastes as good as healthy feels" would be a different story, although frankly I'd still give side-eye to that t-shirt.

OK, but would you disagree that the t-shirt could be a trigger for eating-disordered thinking?

Sigh, I guess that's comforting. Although I'm kinda wishing I hadn't clicked on that link to TJHB.

Wait what? Are you talking about Lakehead?

Uhhh, you implied that "taking care of yourself" = being skinny. As someone who used to have an eating disorder and was quite underweight, I can tell you they are not the same thing. Don't be so obtuse.

I think this was handled well, but I'm disappointed that this incident makes clear that rape culture is as much a problem up here as it is in the US. We Canadians can do better.

I actually applaud U of Ottawa for getting off their asses and doing something more to the team than just giving them a symbolic slap on the wrist. I don't really feel that bad for the team.

Uhhh, the shirt says SKINNY, not HEALTHY. But thanks for playing.

Ugh, Canada.

Agreed, Biden. Agreed.

Honestly, I feel terrible for the guy. Can you imagine being shunned by your family for gaining a few pounds? His body is his business and you have to be a pretty heartless monster to be embarrassed of your sibling because they're overweight.