LOL @ the old "I can't possibly be a misogynist, I LOVE fucking women" refrain
LOL @ the old "I can't possibly be a misogynist, I LOVE fucking women" refrain
I agree. Similarly, I would describe Elliot Rodger's murders as misogyny-based hate crimes. How is a crime driven by misogyny NOT a hate crime? But of course, the real point here is that this man thinks "it was a male living as a female" (yuck) isn't a "real" thing, like being black or gay. As if trans people are just…
I'm responding to the claim made in the article. It also sounds like Hillary was reaching with the claim that the girl had made prior accusations, since Erin writes that there's no evidence that was true. And are you really trying to tell me that attempting to smear the girl's reputation with accusations of…
Uhhh, I don't know, guys. I get that you're trying to be fair and balanced in your reporting, but I really don't like the sound of this.
Heritability does not mean what you think it means.
First of all, how about epigenetics? Ever hear about the fucking Hongerwinter? IF there are indeed average differences in IQ between the races, systematic social inequality is still an equally plausible scientific explanation to "some races are dumber than others". Second of all, I'm not sure you really know enough…
That sucks :(
Could be, I don't know much about various breeds of dogs or pit bulls specifically. But it certainly is possible that the breed as a whole is more aggressive.
In regards to your screen name: methinks the gentleman doth protest too much....
Yeah, that's pretty disturbing. I'm not a clinical psychologist so I can't speak to a lot of that but he certainly seems to let his personal biases affect his science in very disturbing ways. I'd rather not dox myself completely but I am a PhD student in a neuroendocrinology lab. I work with mice mostly, and we use…
Sigh, sounds about right. :(
Uhhh what? Sources, please.
Do you really think aborting fetuses with severe disabilities should NEVER be an option?
Yup. I guess we're all a bunch of ugly, unlovable spinster shrews. We're totes just bitter.
I truly believe that you are missing the point. WHOOOOOSH. Right over your head.
Thank you for this. I just did a bit of reading on Dr. McHugh, and I am honestly kind of disturbed. In particular, I found this claim on his Wiki page: "there is no scientific consensus that homosexuality is exclusively or primarily genetic in origin". As my supervisor would say (who is an EXPERT in the field), sexual…
OK, if everyone is beautiful for being themselves, then either you don't know what the word means or it literally has no meaning. We are clearly talking about physical beauty here, come on. I also have NO IDEA why you would throw around the word pathetic to an internet commenter you hardly know. It's just an inane and…
Well, not everyone IS beautiful so why don't we just stop focusing on it? And this is the comments section of a feminist site, so why criticize me for commenting?
The ideal situation would be to place less value altogether on women's appearances. But yeah, pretty horrible altogether.
Jeeze, I'm sorry that happened to you. Can I ask if you're comfortable around dogs now? Personally, I get quite uncomfortable when owners let their dogs jump all over me, but for some reason I find many dog owners don't see that as rude.