
In what sense wasn't it progressive? Specifically.

Check out the series starting with "Old Man's War".

Darmok AND Jalad…

Go edicate yurself!

Three per dancer?


Sliders was awful, to put it kindly.

Netflix would, I suspect, been much more likely to do it right. Plus, it would have been available on Netflix in the U.S. (not that that matters much to me - streaming sucks for me; I'll pay for a CBS subscription, then not use it - I'll download instead).

I would have liked to have seen both characters.

I agree completely. Also, DS9 is my second-favorite ST series (after TOS).

In this case, the "fucking" was literal.

Other than Breaking Bad, there isn't a single show on this list that I find watchable.

Picard isn't even second.