I think "fans are tired of Supernatural" is the wrong lesson to take from the cancellation of The Winchesters.
I think "fans are tired of Supernatural" is the wrong lesson to take from the cancellation of The Winchesters.
Shorter episode seasons would have trimmed the garbage out, and made for better thought seasons. It was great up until season 6, then it seemed to try to use whatever it could from the garbage bins of other shows and make them stick. I so hated the ending, Dean could have been done so much better. Shit, even if you…
Supernatural as an American rebuke to Doctor Who, except nobody ever gets regenerated and it’s just literally 85 year old Sam and Dean running around stabbing Digimon or whatever. That’s Prime timeline shit right there, certainly a long way away from our worst of all possible worlds
And if Supernatural was still going, then it wouldn’t have had that absolute stinker of an ending.
Right. I can open my camera app and scan a QR in about three seconds.
Quick QR scans? Instead of hitting the camera app, you have to swipe and search for Code Scanner. Doesn’t seem ‘quick’ to me. You can add the Code Scanner to your Control Center. Much faster to access than always searching for it.
Your situation is different from the user who wrote in, if its airgapped as you describe. They evidently do use their old computer for online tasks, most alarmingly to print bank statements. That presumably means they are logging into their bank’s website, thereby passing some of the most desirable personal…
so, your inability to know how to configure your system’s update policies is the OS’s fault. i see.
Upgrade now! Even if it’s buying a new SSD and W10. Win10 is more efficient than Win7 so her machine should be fine to handle it. She mentioned printing bank statements. That data is probably residing on her machine and is a security risk. GETS SECURE!
I mean, who wouldn’t think it’s a good idea to restrict the formerly incarcerated, who already have plenty of obstacles in finding gainful employment, from earning a livable wage on the outside, amirite? Who knew the law-and-order GOP was so pro-recidivism?
I had to dig up my credentials to recommend this post, ‘cuz I snorted loudly and laughed. Haha oh man the console wars are heating up.
I had to dig up my credentials to recommend this post, ‘cuz I snorted loudly and laughed. Haha oh man the console…
This gen is going to be way easier to upgrade. Xbox players just plug their external HD to the new Series X and your ready to go with all your current Games, controllers and connectors. PlayStation players just toss their PS4 and all its games and components into the dumpster and plug in their PS5.
This gen is going to be way easier to upgrade. Xbox players just plug their external HD to the new Series X and your…
I just want to put it out there though that the black family who had the dreads were not rastafarians. They just liked the look of locs and felt it was an easier natural style to maintain then wearing an afro, wigs/weaves and perming the hair straight. The locs that the family had were manicured locs, different in…
If only chet hanks got those beatings to learn proper english because white people inhabiting bullshit exoticism is annoying as fuck.
This illustrates another reason Marlon James’ intentional, frequent usage of patois in his novels is revolutionary & subversive. He said the complaints he gets about it come from other Jamaicans and I get it. As an African, I’ve seen us do the same around pidgin, indigenous languages, etc. There’s a colonial shame,…
I didn’t get beatings for it but was def encouraged to only speak ‘proper’ English and not patois in the home as a child.
Rastafarianism and Blackness are essentially intertwined—the tenets of the religion are close to Black supremacism—which is why I always find it funny to see white people declaring themselves adherents of the religion cuz they grew dreads and like smoking weed .
The first source cited in this article is an ‘actual Jamaican’ one, feel free to click it to find out more. The written decision has not yet been released by the court, and so as an actual Jamaican I can only speak to what I believe its implications are from my own lived experience—that it reflects both anti-Blackness…
Middle/Upper Class West Indian have a buffer class mentality people don’t really understand if you’re not from that culture. I lost count of home many beatings I got a as kid for not speaking “The King’s English”. That shit runs deep.
Yes. Hence, the closing line.