
That’s why Disney is on my shitlist of companies. The older I get the more curmudgeon about ‘copyrights’ in general and I feel less and less for the creative types. Especially hostage-taking mosquitos such as Coburn.

Bye, Felicia. App deleted, account closed.

Bah. He shouldn’t have any rights to the work his father penned.

People have been able to guess where other people grew up via their accent for hundreds of years.

Some of the most hateful and disgruntled people in this nation side with “corporations” merely to be contrarian and piss off people who are against “corporations.”

Gizmodo may be in a steep decline since its early iPhone days, but the shills have never left.

Maybe we should go back to Tetraethyllead as an antiknock agent, if we want to follow this logic. It’s a cheap additive and it protects valve seats from erosion. Or MTBE, for instance. It may not be lead, but at least it’s highly toxic!

There’s a lot of pro-oil coming out of the ground on this article.

Part of the problem is companies weren’t planning on sharing any of this AI, some things just managed to leak. But now they want to pull the ladder up so that you’re stuck with only their products. “Rights Alliance” may even be getting dark money from companies like OpenAI just to sponsor such take downs.

Much like human generated content has been doing since Internet 2.0.

I’m beginning to think the majority of humans would support slavery as long as A) they get a cheaper good or service and B) they weren’t at risk of being made slaves.

This is just outright boring. After 30 years it’s no longer clever, it’s regurgitation.

I was hoping to see you chime in!

I appreciate seeing the Chinese community coming out to Gizmodo and muddy the waters with Whataboutisms.

Light on facts...?

Not in Chrome if Google has its way.

I really need the Hopium from the original TNG series, not whatever the fudgehole is going on in Picard. I know the Federation wasn’t perfect, but the way it has been portrayed in Picard has been piss poor, awful, no good, and disappointing.

As an enjoyer of minimalism, I’ll have to go through this list and check it all out.

If only we could go back in time, pre-Thiel’s harassment, when Gizmodo wrote about tech and i09 handled sci-fi.

Or you get shadowbanned and don’t know it. This is account #3 for me!