
Diaz was a cancer, but he also got my account out the greys after the switchup to Kinja. Blame him for that, too.

Jaysus, I’ve been reading Gizmodo since... /reads post

It seems both Mr. Depp and Ms. Heard were douchecanoes to each other. The problem now though is that Mr. Depp was cancelled* for his role in the marriage but Ms. Heard was given a high pedestal to preach how she’s was a victim when in court we see she’s a lying narcissist equally responsible for whatever went down in

Evolve failed spectacularly and so will this one.

Where’s my Tile fearmongering articles or are we only going after Apple? Life360 is way scarier. Gotta get that clickbait, eh?

Should @nlecompte just stop making music/art because one dude on the internet isn’t into it? Thank goodness artists since the beginning of time did not listen to such advice.

Music is in the ear of the beholder, no need to music shame people. Some masturbate to Taylor Swift, others Stan Kenton.

Your reply just reinforces what EIA said in their comment. The pretentiousness just oozes all over. Unless that is what you were going for, then slow clap.

Agreed on the balkanization point. Shows are becoming the streaming version of channels from cable TV.

Netflix is quickly becoming the least value laden of the streaming giants with all its rate hikes.

I used to get consistent two-day deliver. Not a day early, not a day later. I understand things got crazy during the pandemic and have been very forgiving due to it, but it seems like the packages I order that I don’t expect to be delivered for 4-6 weeks (non-prime items as it were) tend to show up much earlier than

This might earn me some grief but I’d say things like The Grand Tour’s first season was kind of wobbly but is getting actually better as time goes on.

Hm, my complaints are of over-fishing and mercury levels.


The average conservative has been fed lead poisoned bullshit for decades about how the EPA wants to take away the rights of small citizens. For example the case in regards to storing rain water. No one is going after a homeowner who wants to collect rain water off their roof, it was to stop big farm / ranch owners

Keep in mind what AT&T has been doing with their profits like OANN. Even if they attempt to distance themselves now don’t ever forget that fuckery.

Bingo. Hopefully with Devin and Glassner this will actually be good, as opposed to whatever the fuck was Universe.

This is another attempt at Stargate Universe, I take it? Sans the Stargate.


From the YaleMedicine article at the bottom, itself states: