
CSAM is the catch-all for most privacy abuses promoted by corporations and governments. “Surely you have nothing to hide? Let us search your stuff. We promise not to abuse this privilege! Think of the children.

It’s partly the seamlessness of the Apple accessory ecosystem. I know that adds a premium to the tag but after using Android for over a decade I’m still wowed by it. I say this as someone who went from Shure earbuds to Airpods Pros to Airpods Maxes. It’s still super ridiculous pricey, but there’s a bit of magic there.

Superman’s defining super power isn’t his strength, speed, or invulnerability, it’s remaining the boyscout against all odds. Without it, he’s not Superman.

So with an Android and 10 minutes of patience I can find any airtag in the immediately area, eh?

Please swipe your credit card to have another refreshing sip of PrivatelyOwnedWater© ($1 to unlock lid - have a code? Scan now!)

Christ on a cracker, NFTs and blockchains are the worst fucking buzzwords of idiocy and here we are, using them as a foundation of the next web?

Which wounds even deeper when they do nothing.

First of all, learn what the social contract is and why it is important. Of course, if you’re libertarian - that’s the impression I get from your comments aka protect yourself with vaccination but detest ‘government overreach’ - then I highly doubt any amount of discourse will sway you.

I have no faith voting works. We’re ruled by a fatally capitalistic religious zealot minority, but I keep voting,

If that’s what it takes to get safe wireless power. I know FuckitallRx2 ain’t going to make it happen.

“I’m allowed to agree some ideas and disagree with others”

I flag them as either hate speech, spam, or harassment depending on how far Nazi they are.

Hard Left: “Stop mistreating minorities, robbing the middle class, causing class warfare between the middle and the lower class, tax the rich, and please stop raping everyone with medical bills.

Just report this tosser.

Do you obey the law? Do you like to drink uncontaminated water? Do you prefer to breathe clean air? Do you feel safe in buying food from the grocery store? Live a life Polio, Measles, Mumps, and Rubella free?

If only J. P. Morgan had fully funded Tesla’s Wardenclyffe Tower. I’m not saying he would have fully succeeded but man we’d be way ahead in this research.

As many have already said in the comments, this feels less of a “stop online bullying” and more of a “you didn’t say Merry Christmas, someone call the cops. We got a person waging a war on Christianity” type of situation.

The irony is China is building its status as the #1 super power and we’re paying for it.

We’ve known for years that children should be going to school later based on their age range, anyways. We take teenagers who are biologically hardwired to sleep later and more hours and force them to wake up and confirm to a schedule designed around what’s convenient for adults.

Standard time is best time. Can I get an Amen? Right on!