
“The mainstream right used to at least give lip service to denouncing racists, even while pushing an agenda that favored them.”

“...a fairly middle-of-the-road, pro-business Democrat...”

If acetaminophen was discovered for the first time in 2019, it wouldn’t be OTC just due to the liver toxicity, alone. But the genie is out of the bottle, as it were, and we can’t put it back.

I can get behind this.

Most USC applicants get in with a $500k under the table donation. Ergo why only 14% get accepted. If you can’t afford the bribe you can’t afford their time. ;)

Please, feel free to ignore my troll follower. While I’m flattered for the attention they wish to bestow upon me comments such as calling this movie a “MCU version of Ghostbusters remake” is the sign of a weak and vapid mind, scared of women.

My my, the imposter me has been busy!


Typical Republicans.

It’s almost like that shit is made up.

Just save yourself some time and buy keyboards with PCB caps already. And then you’ll only need to purchase extra if you’re theming your board around a particular color scheme. :)

Just save yourself some time and buy keyboards with PCB caps already. And then you’ll only need to purchase extra if

Are you personally invested in Critical Role? Inquiring minds and all.

This is a fancy way of saying “don’t pay attention to the serious issues that exist with Anthem! Look over here at me! Pfft, it’s nothing!”

This. Bricking a console should be impossible for a game yet Anthem has achieved this. I wonder what Guy and Hindsight’s stake is in defending the devs.

As someone who put in 30 hours in one weekend, the game has its issues. It’s not FO76 buggy, but it’s close. Try playing quick match sometime. You’ll end up in rooms with missions not triggering their next objective or get ‘contacting server’ in an infinite loop that forces you to close the app.


Have you just met humanity?

Holy run on sentences, Batman!

$33k per month worth of stupid, so...

This is a long comment to write that nobody will read. But you’re not surprised by that, right?